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第十七 怒りの章の最近のブログ記事


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The wise are controlled in deed, they are controlled in speech, they are controlled in thought. Indeed, they are perfectly self-controlled.



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Guard against intemperance of mind, control your mind. Giving up evil thoughts, cultivate good thoughts.

意の忿怒を護れ! 意を防護せよ。意による悪行を捨て、意による善行を行なえ!


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Guard against intemperance of speech, control your speech. Giving up evil speech, cultivate good speech.

言葉の忿怒を護れ! 言葉を防護せよ。言葉による悪行を捨て、言葉による善行を行なえ!


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Guard against physical intemperance, control your body. Giving up evil deeds, cultivate good deeds.

身体の忿怒を護れ! 身体を防護せよ。身体による悪行を捨て、身体による善行を行なえ!
If the wise praise him day after day, knowing him to be truly faultless, wise and endowed with knowledge and virtue, who would dare to blame him, who is like a piece of pure gold? The devas praise him; he is praised even by the great Brahma.

もし、来る日も来る日も智者たちが随知して「この人の行為には欠点がなく、智慧があり、慧と戒を[具足する]入停者である」と賞讃する。ちょうどジャムブー河産の金貨の如く、[欠点のない]この阿羅漢聖者を、誰が非難することができようか? 神々も彼を賞讃する、梵天さえも彼を賞讃する。


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There never has been, there never will be, nor is there now, anyone who is always blamed or always praised.



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It is not new, O Atula! It has always been the same from ancient times. They blame one who is silent; they blame one who speaks much; and they blame one who speaks little. There is no one in this world who is not blamed.

おー、アツラよ! これは昔からのことである。これは今初まったことではない。沈黙して座せるも非難され、多くを語るも非難され、たとえ節量をもって語る人といえども非難される。この世に[誰からも]非難されない人など、存在しない。


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In those who are ever vigilant, who train themselves night and day in the three sikkha (sila, samadhi and panna), and who have their minds directed towards Nibbana, defilements are destroyed.



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The arahats, who do not harm others and are always restrained in their actions, go to the deathless Nibbana, where there is no sorrow.



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One should speak the truth, one should not get anger, one should give when asked even if it is only a little. By these three acts, one may go to the world of the devas.



このページには、過去に書かれたブログ記事のうち第十七 怒りの章カテゴリに属しているものが含まれています。

前のカテゴリは第十一 老いの章です。

次のカテゴリは第十三 世間の章です。


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