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第十四 覚者の章の最近のブログ記事

He who pays homage to those who are worthy of veneration, whether they are the Buddhas or their disciples who have gone beyond preoccupying tendencies (craving, false views, and pride) and have rid themselves of sorrow and lamentation - the merit gained by such a person who pays homage to those who have been freed from moral defilements and have no thing to fear, cannot be measured by anyone, as this much or that much.



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Happy is the birth of the Buddhas; Happy is the enunciation of the sacred Teaching; Happy is harmony in the Order; and happy is the spiritual pursuit of the united truth-seekers.



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It is hard to find a man of wisdom; he is not born everywhere nor in every clan. To whatever clan such a wise man is born, that clan prospers.

Men, driven by fear, go for refuge to many places-to hills, woods, groves, trees and shrines. But such a refuge is not a safe refuge, such is not the refuge supreme. Not by resorting to such a refuge is one released from all suffering. He who has gone for refuge to the Buddha, his Teaching (Dhamma) and his Order (Sangha), penetrates with wisdom the Four Noble Truths-suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the Noble Eightfold Path leading to the cessation of suffering. This indeed is the safe refuge, this is the refuge supreme. Having gone to such a refuge, one is released from all suffering.

There is no satisfying sensual desires even with a rain of gold coins, for sense pleasures give little satisfaction and entail much pain. Having understood this, the wise man finds no delight even in heavenly pleasures. The disciple of the Supreme Buddha delights in the destruction of craving.



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Not despising, not harming, restraint according to the code of monastic discipline, moderation in food, dwelling in solitude, devotion to higher concentration-this is the teaching of the Buddhas.



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Enduring patience is the highest austerity. "Nibbana is supreme," say the Buddhas. He is not a true monk who harms another, nor a real renunciate who oppresses others.



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Not to do evil, to cultivate merit, and to purify one's mind - this is the teaching of the Buddhas.



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Hard is it to be born a man, hard is the life of mortals. Hard is it to gain the opportunity to hear the Sublime Truth, and hard, indeed, to encounter the arising of the Buddhas.



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Those wise ones who are devoted to meditation and who delight in the calm of renunciation-such mindful ones, Supreme Buddhas, even the gods hold dear.



このページには、過去に書かれたブログ記事のうち第十四 覚者の章カテゴリに属しているものが含まれています。

前のカテゴリは第十六 愛情の章です。

次のカテゴリは第四 花の章です。


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